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COUNTRY NEWSREPUBLIC OF INDONESIA No.1044, 2021KEMENKUMHAM. Visa. Residence Permit. COVID-19.PEN. Revocation.REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTSREPUBLIC OF INDONESIANUMBER 34 YEAR 2021 ABOUTGRANTING OF VISA AND IMMIGRATION STAY PERMIT FOR PERIODHANDLING OF THE SPREAD OF CORONA VIRUS DISEASE 2019AND NATIONAL ECONOMIC RECOVERYBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYMINISTER OF LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering: a. that the 2019 Corona Virus Disease pandemic has an impacton the national economy; b.that in order to support economic recoverynational level, and taking into account the level of distributionCorona Virus Disease 2019 globally, needs to be doneadjustments in granting Visas and Residence PermitsImmigration;c.that the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human RightsNumber 27 of 2021 concerning Restrictions on ForeignersEntering the Territory of Indonesia during the Enforcement PeriodRestrictions on Emergency Community Activities are no longer appropriatewith the development of the country’s situation, so it needs to be replaced;d.that based on the considerations referred to inin letter a, letter b, and letter c, it is necessary to specifyRegulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights regardingGranting of Immigration Visas and Residence Permits in PeriodHandling Corona Virus Disease 2019 and RecoveryNational Economy;

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2021, No.1044 – 2 – Remember: 1. Article 17 paragraph (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of IndonesiaIndonesia in 1945;2. Law Number 39 of 2008 concerningMinistry of State (State Gazette of the Republic of IndonesiaIndonesia Year 2008 Number 166, Supplement to the GazetteRepublic of Indonesia Number 4916);3. Law Number 6 of 2011 concerningImmigration (State Gazette of the Republic of IndonesiaYear 2011 Number 52, Supplement to the State GazetteRepublic of Indonesia Number 5216);4. Government Regulation Number 31 of 2013 concerningImplementing Regulations of Law Number 6 Year2011 on Immigration (State Gazette of the Republic of IndonesiaIndonesia Year 2013 Number 68, Supplement to the GazetteRepublic of Indonesia Number 5049) ashas been amended several times, most recently by RegulationsGovernment Number 48 of 2021 concerning ChangesThird, on Government Regulation No. 31 of 2013concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 6Year 2011 on Immigration (State GazetteRepublic of Indonesia Year 2021 Number 58, SupplementState Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6660);5. Presidential Regulation Number 44 of 2015 concerningMinistry of Law and Human Rights (GazetteRepublic of Indonesia Year 2015 Number 84); 6. Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number29 of 2015 concerning Organization and Work ProceduresMinistry of Law and Human Rights of the RepublicIndonesia (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2015Number 1473) as amended several timeslastly by Regulation of the Minister of Law and RightsHuman Rights Number 24 of 2018 concerning ChangesThird, on the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human RightsHuman Rights Number 29 of 2015 concerning Organizations andWork Procedure of the Ministry of Law and Human RightsRepublic of Indonesia (State Gazette of the Republic of IndonesiaYear 2018 Number 1135);

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2021, No.1044 ? DECIDE:To stipulate : GRANTING OF VISA AND STAY PERMIT FOR IMMIGRATION INHANDLING THE SPREAD OF CORONA VIRUS DISEASE2019 AND THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC RECOVERY.article 1In this Ministerial Regulation, what is meant by:1. Immigration is a matter of the traffic of people whoenter or leave the Indonesian Territory as well assupervision in order to maintain uprightstate sovereignty.2. The next Territory of the Republic of Indonesiathe so-called Indonesian Territory is the entire territoryIndonesia and certain designated zonesunder the law.3. Corona Virus Disease 2019 hereinafter referred to asCOVID-19 is an infectious disease caused byby Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2(SARSCoV-2).4. Republic of Indonesia Visa, hereinafter referred to as Visais a written statement, either manually ore-mail provided by the authorized officialto travel to the Indonesian Territory andbecome the basis for granting a Stay Permit.5. Stay Permit is a permit granted to PeopleForeign by immigration officials or foreign service officialseither manually or electronically to be inIndonesian Territory. 6. Re-entry Permit is a written permission grantedby immigration officials to Foreigners holding PermitsLimited stay and permanent Stay Permit to enterback to Indonesian Territory.7. Foreigner is a person who is not a citizenIndonesia.8. Guarantor is a person or corporation who is responsibleresponsible for the presence and activities of Foreigners duringlocated in the Indonesian Territory.

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2021, No.1044 – 4 – 9. The person in charge of the Transport Equipment is the owner,stewards, agents, skippers, ship captains, pilot captains,or the driver of the transportation means concerned.10. Passenger is any person who is on board the equipmenttransport, except for the crew of the conveyance.11. Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction whichhereinafter abbreviated as RT-PCR is the examination oflaboratory to detect the presence of materialCOVID-19 genetics.12. PlaceInspectionImmigrationisthe placeinspections at seaports, airports, postal crossingsboundaries, or other places as entry and exit pointsIndonesian Territory.13. Minister is the minister who organizes the affairs ofgovernance in the fields of law and human rights.Section 2(1) Foreigner holding valid Visa or Stay Permit and valid, can enter the Indonesian Territory through theCertain Immigration Checks after meeting the protocolhealth determined by the ministry or agencyimplementing the handling of COVID-19. (2) A valid Visa or Stay Permit as referred to in paragraph (1) consists of:a.Service visa;b.Diplomatic visa;c.Visit visa;d.Limited residence visa;e.official residence permit;f.Diplomatic Residence Permit;g.Limited Stay Permit; andh.Permanent Residence Permit. (3) Other than Foreigners holding Visa or Stay Permit as referred to in paragraph (2), the crew of the transportation means whocome by using the means of transport, StrangerAsia-Pacific Economic Business Travel Card holderCooperation (KPP APEC), and traditional border crossers toocan enter the Indonesian Territory.

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2021, No.1044 -5- (4) Person in Charge of Transport Equipment coming from outside the Territory Indonesia is obliged to ensure that every Passenger bringsValid COVID-19 negative RT-PCR results and evidencehave received the full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. (5) Obligation to bring negative COVID-19 RT-PCR results as referred to in paragraph (4) is excluded for youtransportation means entering the Indonesian Territory usingyachts. (6) Obligation to have proof of having received COVID-19 vaccine the complete dose as referred to in paragraph (4)excluded for Foreigners under the age of 12 (twelve)year. (7) Certain Immigration Checkpoints as intended in paragraph (1) is determined by the Minister bytaking into account the readiness of local governments andthe ministry or agency that carries out the handlingCOVID-19. Article 3(1) The Minister temporarily suspends the granting of free Visa visit and visit visa upon arrival untilwith the COVID-19 pandemic declared over byGovernment of the Republic of Indonesia. (2) Arrangements regarding diplomatic visa-free and visa-free service is carried out by the minister who organizesgovernment affairs in the field of foreign relations. Article 4(1) The Minister may prohibit and refuse entry to Foreigners from certain countries with high rates of COVID-19 spread. (2) Certain countries as referred to in paragraph (1) determined by the Minister based on information fromthe ministry or agency that carries out the handlingCOVID-19. (3) The ministry or agency that carries out the handling COVID-19 provides information periodically every 14(fourteen) days to the Minister regarding a countrywith a high rate of spread of COVID-19.

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2021, No.1044 – 6 – Article 5(1) Application for Visit Visa and Limited Stay Visa submitted by the Guarantor to the Director General of Immigrationbased on the type of activity of the Foreigner in accordance withthe provisions of the legislation. (2) Application for Visit Visa and Limited Stay Visa as referred to in paragraph (1) must obtainapproval of the Director General of Immigration. (3) Application for Visit Visa and Limited Stay Visa as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be submittedelectronically in accordance with the provisions of the legislationinvitation by attaching:a.evidence of having received the full dose of COVID-19 vaccine;b.statement letter willing to comply with all protocolsprevailing health in Indonesia; andc.Proofownershipinsurancehealth/insurancetravel that includes health financing,and/or a statement of willingness to payindependent if affected by COVID-19 while inIndonesian Territory. (4) Visit visa and limited stay visa as referred to in paragraph (1) may be provided electronicallyafter payment of Visa fees and feesapproval of the Director General of Immigration Visa in accordance with the provisionslaws and regulations in the field of state revenuenon-tax applicable to the Ministry of Law and RightsHuman Rights. (5) Types of activities of Foreigners as referred to in paragraph (1) determined by the Minister. Article 6(1) Foreigners holding Stay Permits residing in the Territory Indonesia and have not been able to return to their country of origin cangranted a new Stay Permit after obtaining a Visa. (2) The visa as referred to in paragraph (1) consists of: a.Visit visa; orb.Limited residence visa. (3) The visa as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be submitted by Guarantor to the Director General of Immigration electronically

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2021, No.1044 -7- by fulfilling the requirements according to the provisions of the regulationslegislation through the following mechanisms:a.electronic application submission in accordance withthe provisions of the legislation; andb.Visa fee payment and Visa approval feeDirector General of Immigration in accordance with the provisions of the regulationslegislation in the field of state revenuenon-tax applicable to the Ministry of Law andHuman rights. Article 7(1) Visit visa as referred to in Article 6 paragraph (2) letter a also applies as a visit Stay Permit. (2) Foreigners holding limited stay Visa as follows: referred to in Article 6 paragraph (2) letter b, a permit is grantedLimited stay after reporting a maximum of 7 (seven) days at the Immigration Office whose working area includes thestay foreigners. Article 8 Foreigners who do not meet the provisions of the health protocolmay be subject to immigration administrative action in accordance withthe provisions of the legislation. Article 9Instatecertain,Ministerbased onits authority can determine other related policiesimmigration facilities and humanitarian reasons, as long asprovide public benefit.Article 10Further provisions regarding the granting of Visas and PermitsImmigration remains during the handling of COVID-19 andnational economic recovery is regulated by guidelines thatdetermined by the Director General of Immigration

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2021, No.1044 – 8 – Article 11At the time this Ministerial Regulation comes into force, RegulationMinister of Law and Human Rights Number 27 Year2021 concerning Restrictions on Foreigners Entering the TerritoryIndonesia in the Enforcement Period of Activity RestrictionsEmergency Society (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year2021 Number 827), revoked and declared invalid.Article 12This Ministerial Regulation comes into force on theinvited.

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2021, No.1044 -9- For everyone to know, commandpromulgation of this Ministerial Regulation with its placementin the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia. Set in Jakartaon September 15, 2021MINISTER OF LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTSREPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,signed.YASONNA H. LAOLYPromulgated in Jakartaon September 15, 2021DIRECTOR GENERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS MINISTRY OF LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,signed.BENNY RIYANTO

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