Are you looking to set up a company in Bali?

Don’t know where to start or who to trust?

Below we have listed the requirements to be set up 100% from start to finish:

1: Article of association by public notary (akta pendirian perusahaan)

2: Legalise article is association by law and human rights ministry (SK pengesahan)

3: Domicile Letter (Surat keterangan tempat usaha)

4: Company tax registration number (nomor pokok wajib pajak perusahaan)

5: PMA recommendation (rekomendasi PMA)

6: Business registration number – NIB (nomor induk berusaha)

7: Environmental permit (SPPL)

8: Trading Business Permit (SIUP)

If you don’t have all of these requirements then you aren’t fully complete.

When asking for a quote to set up a company make sure all of this is included in the price.

Here at Bali Legals everything is included with no hidden costs.

This is we are we are Bali’s number one most trusted company for setting up businesses on the island.

We are in the business of putting you in business.

For assistance to set up a company in Bali, contact Bali Legals to discuss your requirements.

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