Ministry of Transport & SATGAS
**Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) Number 42 of 2021, restrictions on the arrival of international travelers both at Cross-Border Posts (PLBN), ports, and airports (airports).
For airports, only opened at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten and Sam Ratulangi Airport, Manado, North Sulawesi.
For the Port is only opened in Batam Port, Riau Islands and Nunukan Port, North Kalimantan.
As for PLBN, it is only opened in Entikong and Aruk Terminals, West Kalimantan.
**Travelers conduct PCR H-3 tests before departure and at the location of arrival both at ports, airports, and PLBN.
**Ministry of Transportation will also tighten supervision, cooperate with other related elements such as tni, polri, transportation department, port health office (KKP) of the ministry of health, as well as the central and regional COVID-19 handling task force.
The targets of the restrictions are for Indonesian migrant workers (PMI), Indonesian citizens (WNI), and foreign nationals (WNA), crew of passenger and cargo ships, and flight personnel who will enter Indonesia.
**For health conditions as stipulated by the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, include the following:
1. Every international traveler must use the PeduliLindungi application as a condition of international travel into the territory of Indonesia.
2. Every operator of the mode of transportation at the entrance point(entry point) of International travel is required to use the PeduliLindungi application.
3. Passengers both Indonesian and non – Indonesian citizens from abroad must show a negative result through a PCR test from the country of origin of departure whose sampling is carried out within a maximum period of 3×24 hours before departure and attached at the time of health examination and fill out the International e-HAC Indonesia through the PeduliLindungi application or manually in the country of origin of departure.
4. Especially for WNA passengers are also required to show proof of ownership of health insurance / travel insurance that includes health financing in quarantine and COVID-19 treatment while in Indonesia.
5. On arrival, RT PCR retests are carried out for Indonesian and non- Indonesian passengers from abroad and are required to undergo quarantine for 8×24 hours.
For Indonesian citizens who are PMI, students / students, or government employees returning from foreign service travel, quarantine / treatment costs are borne by the government.
Meanwhile, for Indonesian passengers outside these criteria and for foreigners including foreign diplomats, outside the head of foreign representatives and the family of the head of foreign representatives, undergo quarantine / treatment at the cost of being borne entirely independently.
6. Indonesian and non- Indonesian passengers retest rt-PCR on the 7th (seventh) day of quarantine.
In case the RT-PCR retest results show a negative result, then after quarantine for 8×24 hours, Indonesian and non- Indonesian passengers can be declared finished undergoing quarantine, and allowed to continue their journey.
Furthermore, travelers are encouraged to self-quarantine for 14 days and implement health protocols.
If it shows a positive result, then hospital treatment is carried out for Indonesian passengers with costs borne by the government and for WNA passengers with the entire cost borne independently.
7. In the event that the WNA passenger cannot finance the self-quarantine and/or his or her treatment in the hospital, the sponsor, ministry/ institution / SOE that gives consideration of the entry permit for the WNA passenger can be held accountable for the cost.
8. Quarantine obligations are excluded to WNA passengers holders of diplomatic visas and service visas related to official visits / state of foreign officials at the ministerial level and WNA passengers who enter Indonesia through the Travel Corridor Arrangement scheme, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity while still applying strict health protocols.
“This circular will be effective on September 16, 2021 for land and sea, and September 17, 2021 for air, until the specified time later and can be extended in accordance with the needs and recent developments in the field,”
SE #75 International Travel by Land
SE # 76 From Abroad by Sea
WNI- SATGAS #12 2021
Decree of the Chairman of the Handling Task Force No. 12 of 2021 concerning The Entrance (Entry Point), Quarantine Place, and RT / PCR Obligation for Indonesian Citizens of International Travel
Establishing an entry point to the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia for Indonesian citizens of international travel,
For the entrance using air transportation is only through Soekarno Hatta Airport, Banten and Sam Ratulangi Airport, North Sulawesi.
The sea port entry can only go through Batam Riau Islands, and Nunukan, North Sulawesi.
The arrival gate by land is the cross-border post of Aruk and Entikong in West Kalimantan.
Quarantine period of international travelers who come to Indonesia, both Indonesian and non – indonesian, must be carried out for 14 x 24 hours specifically for arrivals from countries that experience a surge in covid-19 cases.
Arrival of Indonesians and non -Indonesians from countries with low covid-19 positive cases of escalation, quarantine is carried out during the 8 x 24 hour period.
Emergency Hospital Wisma Pademangan to be used as a quarantine place for Indonesian citizens who entered through Soekarno Hatta airport entry point. The service includes lodging, transportation, meals, and RT-PCR fees.
The facility is obtained for free for those who qualify, namely those Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) who return to Indonesia to stay for at least 14 days in Indonesia.
And students or students who return to Indonesia after attending education or carrying out study abroad assignments, as well as government employees who return to Indonesia after traveling abroad.
Quarantine locations for entry points other than Soekarno Hatta airport, Banten is determined by the Chairman of the Regional Covid-19 Handling Task Force,
On International Travel Health Protocol during the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic 2019 (Covid-19).
If you need any further assistance, contact Bali Legals to discuss your visa requirements.
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