Some of you may know our other company Global Visa International and some may not. This is our corporate side of the company that deals with hotels and major companies around the world.

One of our new clients is Siderhal Linhas Aereas. This company has 14 hangars based all around the world.

Their head client currently has 10 private jets located in and around Indonesia that need to be returned to their hangars.
To do this they require private VIP pilots to enter Indonesia and fly them back to their destination.
This is where we come in.

Two jets need to be returned ASAP and we are responsible to supply the visas which have just been issued within 24 hours.

We come highly recommended from FL TECHNICS another client who are a major engineering company, also with offices and hangars all over the word.

We are trusted by these major companies because of our efficiency and transparency and it’s an honor to  work with such recognized global companies.


This is why we are Bali’s number one go to professional consultants.

If you need a visa, we are your people.


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