Indonesian Immigration Embassy

From one of our amazing clients in Sydney who will process her visa.

YES you can do it and confirmed by Indonesian immigration embassy.

Just check with your local embassy whether you’re In Spain, USA, France, anywhere actually.

We are Bali’s most reputable and trustworthy business, property and visa consultants.

We operate with 100% transparency and honesty at all times.


Indonesian Immigration Embassy

Please follow our Facebook page and Instagram account for all the latest news and information.

Contact us for a consultation.

Directorate Jenderal Immigration

According to circular letter No. : IMI.1-UM.01.01-4088 all activtives at Directorate Jenderal Immigration will be temporarily suspended for 14 days in order to disinfect the building from 26th August until 08th September due to 20 new positive covid 19 tests based on PCR swab test.

All staff will be working from home during this time.


Please follow our Facebook page and Instagram account for all the latest news and information.

Contact us for a consultation.

No Longer Processing 30 Day VOA Visas

To all of our clients currently on 30 day visa renewal. 30 Day VOA Visas

Unfortunately due to the uncertainty of processing times, we will no longer be processing any 30 day VOA visas and running the risk of overstay payments.

People will now have to process it themselves or can engage another agent.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused at this time but we don’t offer services if we cannot guarantee 100% service.

All our regular services are still available and able to be processed.

Please follow our Facebook page and Instagram account for all the latest news and information.

Contact us for a consultation.

Telex Now Available

Telex Now Available

Telex Now Available

Another happy client has had their telex issued to come to Bali.

Our client in Rome will now get his spouse visa and come to Bali to be with his wife.

It doesn’t matter where you are from. USA, Spain, England or wherever. As long as your embassy can process the telex, you can come.

Kitas now available:

If you want to get to Bali come to the islands number one most trusted consultants.

Please follow our Facebook page and Instagram account for all the latest news and information.

Contact us for a consultation.

Indonesian Landing Permit

Indonesian Landing PermitIndonesian Landing Permit

For anyone that will soon be entering Bali with a new kitas, you are now required to have an Indonesian landing permit as shown here.

You simply show this to immigration when you’re at the airport.

Word on the street is there are some greedy visa agents that are charging 12 mil IDR for this letter.

At Bali Legals this letter is provided free of charge to our clients.

Another reason why we are the islands most trusted consultants.

Clients before money is our top priority.

Please follow our Facebook page and Instagram account for all the latest news and information.

Contact us for a consultation.